I'm just coming down off of my Breaking Dawn high. Amy and I went to Wal-Mart for the midnight release Friday night. We stayed up reading about 100 pages, then Amy spent the night because she was too tired to go home. I finished reading the book Sunday afternoon. It was all I wanted it to be and more! I won't give any specifics for those who might still be reading or haven't started yet (Meggan!) I will say that I want more, I don't want the series to be over! :0( It was so bittersweet reading this fabulous book. I couldn't stop reading, but I didn't ever want the story to be over. What will I have to look forward to now (well, except for the movies)? Yes, I know that the books were written for teenagers, I know that vampires are not real (much to my chagrin), and I know that the object of my affection (and undying love ;0) ) is just slightly over half my age. Knowing all of this however, after reading Breaking Dawn, I can't help but feel a sense of despondency. It's over, no more Edward, no more Bella, The End.
(For anyone who might feel worried about my sanity...I will be seeking counseling shortly.)
Can I come to counseling with you? I loved the book, but the first thing I realized after I finished the book Saturday morning (I stayed up most of the night reading) was that I was REALLY sad it was over.
So, about that counseling....
I'll be in on the counseling too...
Amanda has called me 85 times today asking if I have read the book yet. I am sure I will need to join the counseling also.
I will pretend I did not just read that meg has not read "the" book!!!
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